Import Doctrine Project

This tutorial shows how simple it is to start a new project using CoinScorer. We are going to create Doctrine ORM project with two bundles and four entities. Export of the created project to Doctrine .yml schema definition files is also part of this tutorial.

Hint: See the ORM Model basics for detailed description of ORM elements (e.g. bundle, entity).

New project

First step is to create a new project with Doctrine ORM framework support. Simply select the New ORM Project from File menu and follow the steps shown in the pictures below.

CoinScorer New ORM Project wizard
Select Doctrine ORM in CoinScorer New Project wizard
Select Symfony framework in CoinScorer New Project wizard

Set project name and directory for Doctrine CoinScorer project
New project summary screen
New Doctrine project with default visual model

Application model design

Now we are going to design a simple application with two bundles and four entities. The first bundle will serve as contact records, the second bundle as ecommerce logic. Contact bundle keeps data about customers and their addresses, ecommerce bundle keeps data about orders and their items. Ecommerce order also has a relation with contact to store order owner. You can do it this way:

Select CoinScorer entity tool
Configure new Doctrine entity
New Doctrine entity created
Select CoinScorer association tool
Configure new Doctrine association
New Doctrine association created
Select CoinScorer comment tool
Configure new CoinScorer comment
New CoinScorer comment created
Select Doctrine bundle tool
Configure new Doctrine bundle
New DOctrine bundle created
Create Doctrine project ecommerce entities
Create association between order and contact Doctrine bundles

Export model

Now you have created the application model. Next step is to export it to Doctrine schema definition files. Before CoinScorer generates all files for you, it is necessary to configure schema file destinations and export formats.

In CoinScorer, each bundle represents single exportable element. This means that now we are able to export two schema definition files, one for Contacts and one for Ecommerce bundle. Each bundle can have its own export path, which is relative to project root directory and its own export format. For Doctrine ORM it is YML.

Edit Doctrine bundle settings
Configure Doctrine export settings for the bundle
Click Export to ORM icon
CoinScorer Doctrine Pre-Export Settings
Doctrine definition files export results
Exported Doctrine YML definition files

And here is an example of Address entity. As you can see, everything is well formatted and exported in Doctrine YML format.

      unique: true
      primary: true
      type: integer
      notnull: true
      autoincrement: true
      type: string
      type: string
      type: string
      type: string
      type: string
      notnull: true
      type: integer
      notnull: true
      class: Contact
      foreignAlias: Address
      local: contact_id
      foreign: id


This short tutorial shows that to create new project and export it to schema definition files takes no more than five minutes in CoinScorer (if it is your first try, it may take little longer). Compare it with manual writing of such small project, and the acceleration of work is breathtaking. And in addition, you can concentrate only on the creative part of your work.

Video Tutorials

Create new project

Export project